12026105 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1                                        3(3-0-6)


This course includes the following topics: modern physics, DC and AC circuit analysis , Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s law, nodal and mesh analysis, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theories, superposition, The elements are analyzed in the circuits as the first and second order circuits. All the responses in the transient and steady states are also described. The phasor is also introduced in the subject, which simplifies the analysis of the first and second order circuits, especially in the AC steady state. Average power and power factor calculation, relations of average power and power factors, power factor correction, linear and ideal transformers and three phases circuits are studied.

Required textbooks:

  1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (7th edition) by Charles Alexander, Matthew Sadiku

Useful Material: ProblemsCh2 , Download LTspice

Updated 10/2022 :  LTSpice codes (using : Save link as)

Lecture2(ex1),(using : Save link as)

Lecture3(ex1, ex2, ex3#1, ex3#2, ex3#3, ex5, ex6, ex8, ex9, ex10, ex11),

Lecture4(ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex4_SuperpositionI, ex4_SuperpositionV, ex5, ex5_SuperpositionI, ex5_SuperpositionVex6, ex7, ex8, ex9, ex10, ex11, ex12, ex13, ex14),

Lecture5(ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6, ex7, ex8),


Lecture7(ex1, ex2, ex2_2ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6, ex7, ex7_2, ex8, ex8_2, ex9, ex10, ex11,ex12),

Lecture8((ex2, ex2_2ex3, ex6, ex7)

Lecture9(ex8, ex9),

Lecture10(ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6, ex7),

Lecture13(ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, ex5, ex6, ex7, ex8),

Grading :
HW&Attending Class&Lab (LTspice) : 10 pts., Project : 15 pts. Midterm : 35 pts., Final : 40 pts.
Midterm Solution, LTspice for Midterm
Topics Reading
1. Introduction to Electrical Circuit Lecture1
2. Basic Laws : Ohm’s, KCL, KVL Lecture2
3. Methods of Analysis : Node, Mesh Lecture3
4. Circuit Theorems : Superposition, Source Transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s Lecture4
5. Operational Amplifiers Lecture5
6. Capacitors and Inductors Lecture6
7. First-Order Circuits : RC, RL Circuit Lecture7
8. Second-Order Circuits : RLC Circuit Lecture8
9. AC Circuits: Sinusoids and Phasors&Sinusoidal Steady-State &AC Power Analysis

Lecture9,  Lecture10, Lecture11

10. Three-Phase Circuits, Magnetically Coupled Circuits,  Lecture12, Lecture13